This pack will also be available on Xbox Live and very soon on PlayStation Network.Buy Battlefield 4 – PC – EA EA Play FIFA 23 F1™ 22 Madden NFL 23 Apex Legends Battlefield™ 2042 The Sims 4 Once the promotion is over, the Kit will cost $4.99. Players have to note that the Handgun Shortcut Kit is freely available on Origin for a limited period from 18 Feb to 24 Feb. This is to make up for the two-month long issues after the game's launch. Apart from these, players will also be getting weapon packs which will unlock all available guns - the Handgun Shortcut Kit. The kills might not necessarily have to be on the China Rising map.ĭICE is offering free battlepacks (everyday), XP boosts and soldier portraits as a part of its Player Appreciation month for Battlefield 4.All the kills must be made and completed in the same round.Fix for a MAV exploit that let players reach various out-of-map locations.Fix for an issue where the player camera would be positioned inside of the soldier when parachute spawning.Fix for missing grass physics in terrain.Fix for an issue where long IDs wouldn't scroll on dog tags.Fix for an issue where the "Draw" message would not display on-screen once a Conquest round ended with both teams having the same amount of tickets.Fix for an issue where bullet impact sounds weren't properly matching the actual number of impacts, causing the players to feel that they died too quickly.

Fix for an invisible wall that was incorrectly present in one of the fallen concrete pipes on Zavod 311.Decreased the rate at which the kill card would incorrectly display 0 health, while the enemy was clearly alive.Fix for an issue that would appear if a 10 users party would join a game with 8 available slots, leaving 2 of the players stuck on the loading screen.Fix for an issue in the Defuse game mode, where a bomb carrier would be permanently spotted.Fix for missing sound in Team/Squad Deathmatch.Fix for an issue where spawning into, or switching to, a gunner seat in an IFV/MBT sometimes could cause the game to crash.